Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My first born---Wednesday's Walk

If you would like to join other bloggers on this Wednesday walk, visit Lynnette's site for all the details.

Since my son is going to be 9 on Monday I thought it would be fitting to have him be my Wednesday's Walk.

Christian Joel was born July 27, 2000 but wasn't supposed to be born for another 2 1/2 months. He was born a full 10 weeks early!

My husband was in the Navy at the time and we were stationed in Gulfport, Mississippi. One day I just woke up not feeling my best at all.. My back hurt, I felt like puking all day and I was just real worn out and pale. My husband came home on lunch because he knew I was feeling terrible. Went back to work and came home around 3. I sent him out to get a heating pad because my back was killing me. I still didn't think it was labor. I mean who would when you have 10 more weeks to go! He decided to drive to the super Walmart 20 minutes away versus the little Walmart 5 mins up the road. He was thinking of me and thought maybe he'd get me a blizzard from the DQ. Needless to say by the time he got back in an hour, I was in so much pain. He picked me up and off we went to the Keesler AFB.

We got to the hospital, which by the way, he made me WALK to the 3rd floor while I was 10 cms dialated....yes you read that right....he made me WALK! I was in the delivery room and still had my street clothes on. I had a huge NICU staff waiting in the room, a huge nursing staff, and so many doctors. I had people putting needles in me, yanking my clothes off, telling me to push and the whole time, I still didn't have a clue what I was

When he was born, he weighed 3 pounds 9 ounces which is actually big for as early as he was. And he cried. We were so scared. Neither one of us were really that old, it was our first time from home and we lived 20 hours from friends and family. He spent 25 days in the NICU. We had moments where they thought he may have a brain bleed (common in preemies). They thought his digestive track wasn't working properly. But it was. A 25 day stay is excellent considering they told us it would be 10 weeks before he could come home. We brought home this little guy, who wasn't even 5 pounds yet.

Since he was born early, he was a little bit developmentally delayed. Which we caught him up with therapy. And he is behind speech wise. That is something we are still working on. But we were so blessed with a perfect baby.

Here he is with his daddy in the NICU--the first time we could hold him:

Just looking cute

First Birthday

Spaghetti Face:

And this year:


Linda said...

Christian is a wonderful name! And a very special boy who was in a big hurry to get into this world! (((smile)))

I am so glad that he has done so well and brought so much joy into your lives.

That is quite a birth story. I am glad it ended well. Loved the picture of Christian in the arms of the proud papa!

Happy Birthday to Christian.

Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

April said...

What a sweet heart! Your little boy has brought about many surprises I am sure, starting with the successful development after being born so early. I know babies that were born 12 weeks early and were in far worse shape, 3 lbs. already with still 10 weeks to go!! My goodness - God certainly has a plan for your little guy!! Happy 9th birthday buddy!!

Unknown said...

Oh what a sweetie. I'm so glad that he didn't face any preemie problems. Praise the Lord. :)