Wednesday, June 24, 2009

No Change

Well there has been no change. But I have to admit, with all the rain I wasn't getting out to walk the 2 miles that I was previously. But it is finally nice and sunny outside and we've been super busy in the evenings.

I'm holding the 5 pounds from the previous week. I just haven't lost anymore and I know exactly why.

But onto better news! I get to babysit my nephew tonight! I'm so excited by his progress. He is tracking items with his eyes now. Before you could get right up to his face and he wouldn't acknowledge that you were there. His ophthalmologist thought he would probably never get his vision back but he is tracking objects. I'm not sure how well he can see but the important thing is his vision is coming back! His broken leg is healed. He still has issues with his neck but that is coming along. He still has a long way to go but this is such an improvement on the baby who left the hospital. He was like a 7 month old, newborn. God is so amazing. We are so blessed that Blake is here and recovering because it was seriously touch and go. We've all had so many praying for Blake and it is working!

Anyways, hopefully I have more to report on my weight loss next post!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Blood test results

So I'm a diabetic which means every 3 months I have to get my blood taken and I have a doctor's appt to go over it. And every month I dread what he is going to tell me. But I LOVE LOVE my doctor. He never makes me feel bad about my levels. And congratulates me and tells me how good I'm doing when I lower them.

My A1C is perfect...go me! My triglyceride levels are sky high. They tell me that goes along with my diabetes BUT those levels were good. All I know, is that I want off these meds so I'm stepping it up now. I WILL lose this weight so I can get off these meds. I do want to be healthy but I don't want to take anything that I don't have to put in my body. Of course, I wouldn't be here if I would have watched what I put in my mouth in the first place. But fortunatly, I have a chance to fix previous mistakes.

With all the rain we are supposed to get this week, I don't know how much walking I'm going to get in. So I'll be getting the wii fit out and letting the board give me some attitude for not using it in a I always love when she gives me her sarcastic attitude.

So my next appt. is in Sept. and I'm hoping for a significant improvement next time.

Monday, June 15, 2009

I hate the weekends

Ok really the weekends are my favorite time of the week. My husband only works a half day on Saturday and has off on Sunday. But food is terrible! And I didn't get any exercise in :-( We went to the movies on Sunday and I had popcorn with butter :-( Then my mom invited us for supper and we had sheperds pie--can you say carb overload!

So today I have to work extra hard. Good news is that I lost 5 pounds but dang I probably gained it all back...LOL. Seriously, I'm going to celebrate my 5 pounds because it is just so hard for me to lose any amount of weight.

I'll be keeping track of my exercise this week on here. Just so I can be accountable.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Another walk

This evening we went on another walk. My husband keeps us going at a nice speedy pace. He doesn't put up with We take the kids with us too. This time we walked 2 miles and it was a dirt road that was pretty hilly so I was huffing and puffing towards the end.

My goal is to eventually jog or run. But I need lots and lots of fast paced walking before I can get there.

I'm actually proud of myself for keeping track of what I'm eating and walking every night. We have been under so much stress lately and it is so easy to just eat cookies, brownies and that type of stuff. But it is giving my husband something else to focus on rather than worrying about his sister and her baby. I can finally come out and say that my little nephew is a victim of shaken baby syndrome. My sister in laws boyfriend (or rather ex) almost killed my nephew. We are just heart broken for the little guy and my sister in law. We have been praying for this whole situation. I believe that my nephew is destined for great things. That God has fantastic plans for him in his life. The doctors say that he should have died that night he was hurt. But we thank God every day that he is still with us. He shows signs daily of improving.
But because of this whole situation, I've been eating terrible. But this week has been a bit better and I'm praying it just gets better.

But anyways, I did get my walk in tonight. So that is 3.5 miles this week. And my kids are enjoying it too! We never used to be able to count me walking as exercise because the kids walked so much slower and maybe without their dad keeping them moving, they would be slow. But my 8 year old is on a growth spurt and he is growing out and not up right now so we thought encouraging this as a family activity was good because then he doesn't know we are doing it for him too! I am not a parent that will EVER tell my child they need to lose weight and making them have a complex. But I will encourage healthy living and activities.

Out to eat

Grr....this morning my phone rings and it is my mom. She wants to know if I want to go out to breakfast. Since when do I EVER say no. So I get myself up and out the door to go eat breakfast. Ugh...I love eating breakfast out and haven't managed to eat breakfast out properly without getting my sausage gravy. Oh is it heavenly. SO that means I have to work out extra hard today to just work off what I ate for breakfast. Never ending I tell ya.

But I have lost 3 pounds. Which could be stress related but I hope it isn't because then I have hope of keeping it off. With stress, I tend to put it all back on. And I have this fear that the stress will not go away for some time to come. So I've been trying hard to find ways of dealing with that stress without turning to food. Seriously before I gained weight, I never gave food a thought. Then when I got pregnant, moved 20 hours from home, had to deal with my husband on deployments (one of which was Iraq), I gained LOTS of weight and we ate out all the time. Because it was easier to eat out then it was to make food for one person and 2 kids. Oh what I did to their poor bodies during that time. I can forgive what I did to mine because it is MY body but to think what I could have done to their poor little hearts or weight.

Anyways, 3 pounds isn't much but it sure is better than gaining 3 pounds. Woohoo for me! Let's hope I see another 3 pounds and then another and another and so on.

Ok--I'm off to do mommy know cleaning, laundry and then some exercise before the day is out.

Have a HEALTHY day everyone :-)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Two in One day

Two posts in one day....wonder what has gotten into me.

Well I held my own on the food. I REALLY have to get to the store and get stocked up on my veggies and fruits because I just don't have a lot to eat that is good for me. We seem to fall into convenience foods during ball season. And that means they are heavily processed...not good for me, my husband or the kids.

My husband had us out walking this evening. We walked 1.5 miles before it got dark and we had to go back. I so want to work up to running but I have a long ways to go. But we had the kids out with us. My husband keeps us moving too...none of this lazy walking. And he chose a road that had hills so were working a bit harder. I have to tell you that I'm happy that my husband stepped up and said he would do it with me. Now I don't feel alone. Well I still have a long way to go to my goal and he will be at his way before I'm at mine but having someone not give up on you is all the incentive to keep on moving.

I made a small start! Hopefully it doesn't rain tomorrow but if it does, I'll use the wii fit. Then I get mad at a

Gosh, it's been forever!

It has been so long. But you know I'm sorta right where I started when I started this blog so I figured I wouldn't delete the very first post.

So, my husband says to me yesterday that maybe we should both diet/exercise togetgher. He says he has about 20 pounds he wants to lose. Which means it a month he will be there and I'll still be struggling with 5 Just the difference between women and men. But I'm thinking since he wants to do this with me that I should jump in too. I don't have the will power he does but knowing he is going to be watching me, may really help...I hope!

I have been keeping my BP and sugar in check. But it is time for my 3 month test and I'm hoping I can stick with my normal. We've had so much stress and drama in our lives the past month. My little nephew was in the PICU for almost 2 weeks and that resulted in a lot of family drama that my husband and I trying to stay out of. But that causes us both so much stress! And stress makes all my levels go up but I've been holding my own but I'm thinking these 3 month tests are really going to be a bit higher than normal :-(

Anyways, I hope to keep this updated with actual progress! Progress and results are what I want and I need those to continue. Without them, I assume it is not working and quit!

Wish me luck....again!