Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Out to eat

Grr....this morning my phone rings and it is my mom. She wants to know if I want to go out to breakfast. Since when do I EVER say no. So I get myself up and out the door to go eat breakfast. Ugh...I love eating breakfast out and haven't managed to eat breakfast out properly without getting my sausage gravy. Oh is it heavenly. SO that means I have to work out extra hard today to just work off what I ate for breakfast. Never ending I tell ya.

But I have lost 3 pounds. Which could be stress related but I hope it isn't because then I have hope of keeping it off. With stress, I tend to put it all back on. And I have this fear that the stress will not go away for some time to come. So I've been trying hard to find ways of dealing with that stress without turning to food. Seriously before I gained weight, I never gave food a thought. Then when I got pregnant, moved 20 hours from home, had to deal with my husband on deployments (one of which was Iraq), I gained LOTS of weight and we ate out all the time. Because it was easier to eat out then it was to make food for one person and 2 kids. Oh what I did to their poor bodies during that time. I can forgive what I did to mine because it is MY body but to think what I could have done to their poor little hearts or weight.

Anyways, 3 pounds isn't much but it sure is better than gaining 3 pounds. Woohoo for me! Let's hope I see another 3 pounds and then another and another and so on.

Ok--I'm off to do mommy know cleaning, laundry and then some exercise before the day is out.

Have a HEALTHY day everyone :-)